Project Creation and Updation Module
Instructions for filling Project Details
- This is the system for posting the details of projects under AMRUT
- Project has to be created in the system at the city level. The relevant data may be collected from the implementing agency, wherever the implementing agency is not the ULB but some other agency like parastatals or any other department of the State government.
- There is a facility available to download the form for off-line use which contains all the fields that are to be filled in the online system
- It is not mandatory to fill in all the details of the project. Only the details which are available as per the status of the project, can be filled. For example, a project can be created in the system by only filling the mandatory fields. Further updation can be made later.
- The project details can be updated/filled at later stages as and when they are available.
- The project can be saved in the draft stage. You will need to complete a section in the project form if you have started filling the data in that section, then only you will be able to save the project in the draft stage.
- You can edit or delete the project saved as draft by clicking on the icon 'View/Edit Draft Projects' located at the bottom of this page.